
In response to the implementation of the e-Invoicing by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM*), Alliance Bank (“Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad” or “the Bank”) and its subsidiaries are committed to complying with all established requirements and guidelines by the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.

To ensure our vendors are well-informed, the Bank will provide essential information related to e-Invoicing. This includes the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Service Tax (SST) number, Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC), and other relevant details for all Malaysian incorporated entities of the Bank that are subject to e-Invoicing.
Name of Entities Taxpayer Identification
Number (TIN)
New Business Registration
Number (BRN)
Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) Service Tax (SST)
Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad C2880423060 198201008390 64191 W10-1808-32000842
Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad C20099891090 200701018870 64192 W10-2203-32000079
AllianceDBS Research Sdn Bhd C3869476100 198401015984 73200 W10-1808-32000931
Alliance Direct Marketing Sdn Bhd C868830030 197201001179 66199 Not Applicable
AllianceGroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd C892871010 197801005218 64993 Not Applicable
AllianceGroup Nominees (Asing) Sdn Bhd C5872941000 199301018121 64993 Not Applicable
If you have any inquiries or require further information related to e-Invoicing, kindly contact your point-of-contact for the procurement of the goods and services.
*IRBM also known as Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN)