08 April 2021

Alliance Islamic Bank Targets RM100 Million Financing for Halal SMEs.

Press Release
08 April 2021

Alliance Islamic Bank Targets RM100 Million Financing for Halal SMEs.

Press Release

eJazmine, Fusionex and INHART joins Bank to offer more digital solutions, market access and customised training to help businesses grow in the halal sector.

Kuala Lumpur, 8 April 2021 - Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad (“Alliance Islamic Bank”) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with eJazmine, Fusionex and the International Institute for Halal Research (INHART) to further strengthen its Halal in One programme for businesses. The expanded strategic partnership will make available more digitisation options and training programmes and an additional e-commerce platform.

“Today, the global halal market is valued at US3$ trillion1 and is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. Halal products and services are now much sought after by Muslims and non-Muslims alike, showcasing the rich opportunities that the halal industry has to offer. Towards this end, it is imperative that our local businesses continuously embrace innovation and digital transformation efforts to tap into this lucrative market,” said En. Rizal IL-Ehzan Fadil Azim, Chief Executive Officer of Alliance Islamic Bank.

“We are here to help SMEs tap into the trillion-dollar halal market by providing a digital platform that is convenient, affordable and easy to scale up. On this note, we aim to provide RM100 million in financing to halal SMEs or SMEs who have started their journey towards halal certification. We are pleased that our new partners - eJazmine, Fusionex and INHART - share our vision to help SMEs grow in the robust halal market. Our aspiration is to be the Centre of Excellence for the halal industry and contribute towards Malaysia becoming a global halal hub.”

Each of the new strategic partners of the Halal in One programme offers a unique value proposition that will help businesses be successful in the halal market. eJazmine, an e-commerce platform, provides preferential rates to local businesses looking to gain market access in countries like the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and China. Another partner, Fusionex, has made available its full complement of integrated digital solutions to help business owners create an online presence, list their business on its e-commerce platform and use analytics and intelligence to boost business growth. INHART by the International Islamic University Malaysia offers specialised training programmes to educate business owners on shariah compliance and provide international halal audit services to businesses looking to enter foreign markets.

The inclusion of eJazmine, Fusionex and INHART enriches the Halal in One programme and supports its aspiration to be a single-source platform for coaching and training, business matching, certification support, halal funding, advisory, services and all things relating to halal.

For more information or to enrol in the Alliance Islamic Bank’s Halal in One Programme, please visit https://www.alliancebank.com.my/halal-in-one.aspx.

1Bid to improve performance – New Straits Times, 26 August 2020